Friday, March 1, 2013

Marital Intimacy

This week has been one of the most informitive weeks of my life. I learned so much about the physical and spiritual sides of marital intimacy. In class, we were able to ask anonymous questions about sex and marital intimacy. Some of the students are married but the majority of them are not. It was nice to have some people in their who could speak from experience and some who were in the same boat as me. It was one of the most mature discussions I have ever been a part of. I learned that there are physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual parts to sex. Something interesting is that when you are in the process of cocreating, you can become closer to God. You also become closer to your spouse and you gain an intimate connection with them. If you don't understand something about your intimacy or you are afraid, you can always ask your Heavenly Father and He will help you understand and be comfortable with the things He would want you to know. Past mistakes can bring people down and make them afraid for the future but if you don't learn from the mistakes and move on then you can block yourself from progressing. You need to forget the mistake enough to move on but remember it enough to remain repentant. If you dwell on the past, you are more likely to repeat your mistake. We also talked about sex education and what is right to teach to children. It can be a challenge to know what to teach children at different ages so that they will understand what is right but not be afraid of the future. I learned that you need to be an informed parent and know what the schools are teaching your children. They may not be sharing things that go along with your morals and standards. Teach your children at home or they will find other ways to learn about those things and it may not be the way you would want them to learn it.

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